MCB Proactive Watch keeps tabs on your computers, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We monitor systems for potential problems and alert you when action is required. When you sign up for MCB Proactive Watch, we monitor all of this for you:

- Monitor server online status
- Monitor anti-virus
- Monitor daily and weekly backups
- Monitor critical operating system services
- Monitor disk space
- Monitor predicted disk failures
- Monitor network devices
- Monitor web site
Additionally, we will automatically apply patches for Windows and several other common programs—a service many vendors charge extra for.
MCB Proactive Watch service includes monthly status reports to keep you appraised of your technology status.
Need troubleshooting and support as well? Consider MCB Proactive Care.
Compare MCB Proactive services.
Additional Services
MCB Systems can help you with a variety of additional services that go beyond our Proactive Services. Additional Services include:
- Hardware and software installation
- Disaster recovery after theft or damage
- Off-site backup storage and management
- External email hosting, filtering, or archiving
MCB Proactive Watch is billed monthly based on the number of servers and desktops or laptops to be monitored. MCB Proactive Watch customers receive a preferred rate for Additional Services.
Contact us today for your free quote!