Network Backup Causes VSS Error 8194
After setting up a new Windows 10 desktop in an Essentials 2012R2 domain, every day when the Essentials backup runs, backing up the machine across the network, I see this …
After setting up a new Windows 10 desktop in an Essentials 2012R2 domain, every day when the Essentials backup runs, backing up the machine across the network, I see this …
I’ve now seen this on two machines running Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials: after installing the June 2018 Windows updates, the server suddenly raises Microsoft-Windows-Eventlog event ID 30 regarding the …
I blogged in October 2016 and February 2018 about incompatibilities between the Essentials 2012 R2 dashboard and .NET 4.6 and 4.7. I’ve now confirmed that under Server 2016 Standard with …
A Windows 10 Pro machine unexpectedly updated from 1709 to 1803, even though it is on a domain with group policy to defer updates. The Microsoft product team reviewed logs …
This weekend, I was glad to have Intel vPro set up on some remote client machines. Windows had lost network connection (a DHCP issue) but fortunately vPro still had the …
I’ve had two Unifi USGs connected via IPSec VPN with no issue. I decided to replace the USG on one side with an EdgeRouter ER-X. I’ve spent many hours over …
One small client has a Server 2012 R2 Essentials domain controller and a few Windows 7 desktops. It’s a wired, mostly gigabit network. Some desktops, especially those that have are …
“Patch Lady” Susan Bradley has some helpful explanations on AskWoody about Microsoft KB4093942, “CredSSP updates for CVE-2018-0886.” She mentions that you can prepare for the updates by setting group policy …
I installed Office 2016 from an MSI installer, but the updates apparently still happen via a Click-to-Run process. Susan Bradley has a nice tip here on changing from monthly to …
If you install Seiko’s Smart Label Printer for Windows software on a new computer, you’ll want to copy the label library from your old computer. It’s stored in this file: …