Windows 10 Cannot Connect to Remote Desktop Gateway
I’m setting up a new Windows 10 computer, currently at 1709 Build 16299.192. It is unable to connect to a Server 2012R2 machine running Remote Desktop Gateway.
I’m setting up a new Windows 10 computer, currently at 1709 Build 16299.192. It is unable to connect to a Server 2012R2 machine running Remote Desktop Gateway.
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Ubiquiti provides instructions here for running the UniFi Controller as a service. What they don’t tell you is that when you try to upgrade the controller, you can’t, because the …
On my new-ish Server 2016 with the Essentials role, I set up the Anywhere Access VPN with a static address pool (described here). When I connected via VPN from a …
I have two UniFi USGs, each on its own local controller, and I wanted to set up a site-to-site IPsec VPN. Here’s what worked.
I installed Server 2016 Standard with the Essentials role about three months ago. I set up in the Anywhere Access Wizard. It automatically revoked a certificate with the same …
You have a UniFi Security Gateway (USG). You want to allow your LAN to talk to all VLANs, but VLANs cannot talk to the LAN or to other VLANs. How …
Recently I added a non-admin user to my computer and migrated my user profile with the excellent Profile Wizard 3.12 from ForensIT. Almost everything came over flawlessly, but one idiosyncrasy …