One of my clients received a voicemail advising them they were having issues with their QuickBooks “communications link”:
The caller had an Indian accent, and made several grammatical errors when he left this message:
Hi, this is Jay, and I’m calling from Support for QuickBooks, <name>. Well, this call is regarding for your QuickBooks accounting software, and we received a concern on our support portal like you guys are facing issues while initializing communication link in QuickBooks. So if you’re having any issues, any concern regarding QuickBooks accounting software, please do give us a call on 1-800-xxx-xxxx with extension 671. And this is Jay Carter. I’m your account manager for your QuickBooks accounting software. Thank you and have a great day. Bye-bye. Take care.
Fortunately, the customer emailed me to check on whether this was a legitimate call. It’s not. For one thing, this customer is so tiny that there is no way that they have an Intuit “account manager.” For another, Intuit does not call customers. As Intuit shares in this article, “Based on the details you’ve shared, this is very likely a scam. Intuit typically does not initiate unsolicited calls regarding account issues unless you have requested assistance. It’s essential to remember that legitimate support from Intuit will always be initiated by you.”
Unfortunately there is no way to stop scammers, especially when the calls originate outside the U.S. If you get a call purporting to be from Intuit or QuickBooks and you never called them, just hang up.