GoldLink Not Working after 3CXPhone Update

3CX phone system updates sometimes include updates to the 3CXPhone desktop client software. For example, after installing 3CX v16 SP5, released April 22, 2020, users running 3CXPhone will be prompted to update their 3CXPhone client to version 16.3.0111. This update causes the integration with MCB GoldLink to 3CX to stop working. Dialing from GoldMine will still work, but the integration with GoldMine (screen pops, creating history records) will stop.

Simple Fix

The fix is simple:  re-install MCB GoldLink to 3CX. Your GoldLink settings will be retained, and the new 3CXPhone client will be “reminded” to incorporate GoldLink. (You’ll need to restart 3CXPhone.) Get the latest GoldLink installer at the bottom of this page.

If you get a Windows Defender SmartScreen warning when installing GoldLink, see this post.

Tech Background

3CXPhone stores some configuration information in the file

C:\ProgramData\3CXPhone for Windows\PhoneApp\3CXWin8Phone.user.config

The GoldLink installer adds a “hook” to this file that tells 3CXPhone to load the CommandLineAPIPlugin, which is part of GoldLink. Here is default file compared to the version GoldLink needs. Note the difference in line 5:

 GoldLink 3CXPhone 1

If you have a lot of desktops to update, you could use file copy rather than re-installing GoldLink. Once you have one workstation fully updated and working with the latest 3CXPhone and GoldLink, on the remaining workstations:

1. Install the latest 3CXPhone.

2. Copy the above file from the known good workstation to the current workstation.

To confirm that the GoldLink integration is being loaded, after re-starting 3CXPhone, check the bottom of this file:


The last line should have a current timestamp and indicate that the license has been validated:

[2020/04/23 10:42:35.173] ImportantEvents: GoldLinkTo3CX 4 - License validated

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