I have a workstation running Windows XP SP2 on an SBS 2003 domain with Exchange. Yesterday I upgraded it from Office 2003 SP3 to Office 2007 SP1. All security patches have been applied.
When logged on to this machine as an administrative user, Outlook crashes 100% consistently whenever I exit Outlook. Starting as “outlook.exe /safe” did not help. Running Office Diagnostics did not help.
Here is some information from the error that is sent to Microsoft:
Error signature
AppName: outlook.exe
AppVer: 12.0.63000.5000
appStamp: 4760725d
ModName: dccmsp32.dll
ModVer: 10.0.2000.929
ModStamp: 39d4133c
fDebug: 0
Offset: 00005346
Exception Information
Code: 0xc0000005
Flags: 0x00000000
Record: 0x0000000000000000
Address: 0x0000000010005346
The faulting module, dccmsp32.dll, is part of WinFax Pro 10.03. Disabling the Outlook integration on the WinFax side and the Outlook side did not solve the problem.
I eventually found this Symantec post:
How to integrate WinFax PRO 10.02 and Outlook 2002 on a limited basis
In the end, I wound up following the instructions at the very end of that document (“If the problems persist…”): saving my Winfax data and cover subfolders, uninstalling WinFax, doing a Custom reinstall (deselecting External Phonebooks and send fax by email), copying my data and cover subfolders back, and renaming these four files:
C:\Program Files\Winfax\Wfxext.dll
C:\Program Files\Winfax\Wfoladin.dll
After that, Outlook exits with no problems, and WinFax works by starting the Message Maanger (not the Controller).
Solution to this is here, no need to go through the time-consuming process of remove / uninstall or delete WinFax files.