Today, a customer could not get in to QuickBooks Desktop 2019 because it requires her to apply an upgrade first.
As a security best practice, the end user does not have administrative privileges on the computer, so they had to contact their I.T. provider, MCB Systems, to immediately update QuickBooks. And when I started QuickBooks as Administrator, my only option was to Install Now; there was no Install Later button:
It’s certainly possible that Intuit has been the victim of a security breach and that this update is a mandatory mitigation. No other excuse would justify stopping the work of tens of thousands of user with a non-optional software update. User thrivetp put it well in this thread:
“Mandatory updates that are discovered by users and prevents them from doing their job until the update happens is overly prescriptive and heavy handed. So users cannot use QB to run their business until they contact their IT partner and schedule time for them to update all installations in the middle of a work day? Not a good way to do business, Intuit.”